Company Policy


Company Policy

Our company, conscious of own responsibilities in the shipping sector, pledges it’s commitment to safety and environmental protection. Our Company, establishes that all operations to be carried out by it’s own personnel, both ashore and on board, will emphasize it’s commitment to the following objectives;

1)To prevent physical injury and loss of human life.
2)To protect the environment, in particular the marine one.
3)To maintain the technical and operational efficiency of the vessels at the highest possible level.
4)To protect the vessel and crew against all illegal practices
5)To operate the vessels and transport the cargo safely and efficiently

TRIMORYA SHIPPING &TRADE LTD. acts or gives the necessary orders for the protection of human life, for the safety of the ship and for the protection of the environment, whether these are in agreement or not with the procedures and instructions provided by the Company.
Adequate personnel and means of communication are provided for this purpose.
The effective implementation of the Company’s policy is regularly reviewed in order to ensure both that the objectives are achieved and that the procedures and instructions are suitable and effective.